Thanksgiving is a time to reflect upon the past year and give thanks for all the blessings you’ve had in your life. Thanksgiving is also the one time in all the varied planes of the Multiverse when Goblins eat Dragons. After this feast of winged beast, the gobbies typically retire to their warrens / dens / holes in the ground but you, as a Planeswalker will be facing the ugly business end of Black Friday - the conventional start of Christmas shopping. You remember (but you want to forget) - the endless lines, the lack of parking, the picked-over shelves, etc. Do yourself a favor this year - if you're planning on getting some Magic: the Gathering goodies for you or that special gamer in your life, look no further than
MTG Mint Card - you don't have to drive to the mall as they're conveniently just a click away.
From today until Monday 26th November, these monstrous deals are completely off the hook. Check it out : We have
Return to Ravnica,
Magic 2013,
Avacyn Restored,
Dark Ascension and
Innistrad 4x Common and Uncommon card sets for incredible discount prices - Up to 37% Off ! And you can get 5 Free 20-sided dices for each deal. You can have the same deals on both English and Chinese language cards. Theses are the sets are are currently legal in the standard constructed format. If you've not yet collected your favorite decksets by now, or are thinking about gaming at a Friday Night Magic event near you, scoring these sets is by far the most economical way of making an instant collection.