Here at MTG Mint Card, we've mentioned in previous newsletters that ordering a deckset (4x) of each new Uncommon and Common card is by far the easiest and most economical way to jumpstart an instant collection and get you boots in on the ground floor to build your way into the game format of your choice. For a limited time only, we are offering a solid discount on Gatecrash Uncommon and Common set. Regularly $52.99, we've dropped the pre-order price to only $46.99 until December 3rd, so we suggest that now is the time to move on this deal.
Think of it - with Gatecrash being a large set of 249 cards, we can expect approximately 60 Uncommon and 100 Commons in the set. The math here tells us that for just $46.99, you can score a titanic lot of about 640 cards! Save yourself the hassle in hunting down that elusive card to complete your deck and get into the game right off the get-go. Whether your a fan of one of the five Gatecrash guilds - Orzhov, Dimir, Gruul, Boros, Simic, or of the new mechanic associated with each of these guilds, we know you'll count yourself among the contented while digging into this discounted card lot.
