![[GTC] Simic Charm](https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/374451_10151564543919199_2097458524_n.jpg)
2012年11月30日 星期五
2012年11月29日 星期四
Altered Art Hand Painted Magic Cards
Here for us some altered art hand painted Magic the Gathering cards. (Ref iplaymtg)

2012年11月28日 星期三
Gatecrash Early Bird Discount Giveaway Free Dices
Hello Magic: the Gathering fans. If you did not yet catch recent news, Gatecrash, the second set in the Return to Ravnica block, has had some very early spoilers, and these new cards certainly has a lot of excited players talking. Official previews begin in early January with the official release taking place on February 1st, 2013. We already have up on our page available for pre-order a number of new Gatecrash cards, so check 'em out.
Here at MTG Mint Card, we've mentioned in previous newsletters that ordering a deckset (4x) of each new Uncommon and Common card is by far the easiest and most economical way to jumpstart an instant collection and get you boots in on the ground floor to build your way into the game format of your choice. For a limited time only, we are offering a solid discount on Gatecrash Uncommon and Common set. Regularly $52.99, we've dropped the pre-order price to only $46.99 until December 3rd, so we suggest that now is the time to move on this deal.
Think of it - with Gatecrash being a large set of 249 cards, we can expect approximately 60 Uncommon and 100 Commons in the set. The math here tells us that for just $46.99, you can score a titanic lot of about 640 cards! Save yourself the hassle in hunting down that elusive card to complete your deck and get into the game right off the get-go. Whether your a fan of one of the five Gatecrash guilds - Orzhov, Dimir, Gruul, Boros, Simic, or of the new mechanic associated with each of these guilds, we know you'll count yourself among the contented while digging into this discounted card lot.
Here at MTG Mint Card, we've mentioned in previous newsletters that ordering a deckset (4x) of each new Uncommon and Common card is by far the easiest and most economical way to jumpstart an instant collection and get you boots in on the ground floor to build your way into the game format of your choice. For a limited time only, we are offering a solid discount on Gatecrash Uncommon and Common set. Regularly $52.99, we've dropped the pre-order price to only $46.99 until December 3rd, so we suggest that now is the time to move on this deal.
Think of it - with Gatecrash being a large set of 249 cards, we can expect approximately 60 Uncommon and 100 Commons in the set. The math here tells us that for just $46.99, you can score a titanic lot of about 640 cards! Save yourself the hassle in hunting down that elusive card to complete your deck and get into the game right off the get-go. Whether your a fan of one of the five Gatecrash guilds - Orzhov, Dimir, Gruul, Boros, Simic, or of the new mechanic associated with each of these guilds, we know you'll count yourself among the contented while digging into this discounted card lot.

2012年11月27日 星期二
2012年11月26日 星期一
Last Chance for Thanksgiving with Special Mythics Price
Today is the last day to order Thanksgiving special Mythics at MTG Mint Card. You can save up to 37% off for your purchase. If you are thinking about gaming at a Friday Night Magic event near you, scoring these mythics is by far the most economical way of making an instant collection.

2012年11月23日 星期五
Thanksgiving Mythics On Sale
Hello again Magic: the Gathering fans. We have some good news and
some bad news – You may recall from our last newsletter article, that we
were running some pretty incredible deals as part of our Thanksgiving sale.
That was the good news. The bad news is that time is running out as
this promotion comes to an end on Monday 26th November. Don’t worry
though – if you’ve not had a chance to take advantage of this – we want
to make these deals even sweeter – Not only do we have Return to
Ravnica, Magic 2013, Avacyn Restored, Dark Ascension and Innistrad 4x
Common and Uncommon card sets for incredible discount prices – Up to 37% Off, we also will have some Mythic Rare cards up for discount. Now is the best time to complete those decksets and get those Mythic Rare cards
you are after. If you are new to the game, mythic rarity was introduced
in 2008 with the Alara block and a mythic rare card now appears in
place of a rare in approximately 1 out of every 8 packs. Let’s talk
about some of these cards now legal for play in the standard constructed
format as well as most other game formats.
First up – Rakdos, Lord of Riots. This mythic rare legendary creature spell from Return to Ravnica not only has a home in standard constructed but some Commander players are now putting this in their tall stacks as their general. A flying 6/6 demon with trample for only four mana is epic. The only draw-back is that you can’t cast this unless your opponent took a hit to the dome this turn. Not much of a draw back considering Geistflame or Bump in the Night are excellent one-drop burns which can satisfy the casting requirements for Rakdos.
Next – here is truly a monster. Worldspine Wurm is a mythic rare creature spell from Return to Ravnica. For 11 mana (eight colorless and three green), you get a 15/15 trample with some very slick abilities. when it hits a graveyard, it cycles back into your deck and when it gets tossed from the battlefield, it replaces itself and will leave behind three 5/5 wurm tokens, also with trample. We know 11 mana is steep but you can still cheat this into play with Unburial Rites in standard or with Elvish Piper. We suggest you go completely over the top and have a Parallel Lives in play to puke out an entire army of wurms.
Lastly, here’s a look at Serra Avatar, a mythic rare from the core set M13. Like Worldspine Wurm, this gets shuffled back into your library again to wreak havoc yet again on your opponent. For an investment of seven mana (four colorless and three white), you get an Avatar creature whose power / toughness is equal to your life total. This is most at home in a life-gain deck but don’t limit this card to that strategy alone – in a ramp deck with fog, this can be a robust beater and finish games decisively especially when paired with a trample effect.

First up – Rakdos, Lord of Riots. This mythic rare legendary creature spell from Return to Ravnica not only has a home in standard constructed but some Commander players are now putting this in their tall stacks as their general. A flying 6/6 demon with trample for only four mana is epic. The only draw-back is that you can’t cast this unless your opponent took a hit to the dome this turn. Not much of a draw back considering Geistflame or Bump in the Night are excellent one-drop burns which can satisfy the casting requirements for Rakdos.
Next – here is truly a monster. Worldspine Wurm is a mythic rare creature spell from Return to Ravnica. For 11 mana (eight colorless and three green), you get a 15/15 trample with some very slick abilities. when it hits a graveyard, it cycles back into your deck and when it gets tossed from the battlefield, it replaces itself and will leave behind three 5/5 wurm tokens, also with trample. We know 11 mana is steep but you can still cheat this into play with Unburial Rites in standard or with Elvish Piper. We suggest you go completely over the top and have a Parallel Lives in play to puke out an entire army of wurms.
Lastly, here’s a look at Serra Avatar, a mythic rare from the core set M13. Like Worldspine Wurm, this gets shuffled back into your library again to wreak havoc yet again on your opponent. For an investment of seven mana (four colorless and three white), you get an Avatar creature whose power / toughness is equal to your life total. This is most at home in a life-gain deck but don’t limit this card to that strategy alone – in a ramp deck with fog, this can be a robust beater and finish games decisively especially when paired with a trample effect.
2012年11月20日 星期二
Gatecrash Spolier Preview
Gatecrash is set 2 of 3 in the Return to Ravnica block. Several cards from Gatecrash have been leaked out now. Let's have a preview.
2012年11月19日 星期一
2012年11月16日 星期五
The 2012 Holiday Gift Box
The 2012 Holiday Gift Box, , it comes with:
- Four Return to Ravnica booster packs
- A pack of twenty Return to Ravnica basic land
- Six illustrated plastic dividers
- A sticker sheet for customizing the dividers
- An alternate-art Dreg Mangler from Return to Ravnica. We're not going to tell you what Dreg Mangler does.
2012年11月14日 星期三
Thanksgiving Special Selected Card Sets 37% OFF with Free Dices
Thanksgiving is a time to reflect upon the past year and give thanks for all the blessings you’ve had in your life. Thanksgiving is also the one time in all the varied planes of the Multiverse when Goblins eat Dragons. After this feast of winged beast, the gobbies typically retire to their warrens / dens / holes in the ground but you, as a Planeswalker will be facing the ugly business end of Black Friday - the conventional start of Christmas shopping. You remember (but you want to forget) - the endless lines, the lack of parking, the picked-over shelves, etc. Do yourself a favor this year - if you're planning on getting some Magic: the Gathering goodies for you or that special gamer in your life, look no further than MTG Mint Card - you don't have to drive to the mall as they're conveniently just a click away.
From today until Monday 26th November, these monstrous deals are completely off the hook. Check it out : We have Return to Ravnica, Magic 2013, Avacyn Restored, Dark Ascension and Innistrad 4x Common and Uncommon card sets for incredible discount prices - Up to 37% Off ! And you can get 5 Free 20-sided dices for each deal. You can have the same deals on both English and Chinese language cards. Theses are the sets are are currently legal in the standard constructed format. If you've not yet collected your favorite decksets by now, or are thinking about gaming at a Friday Night Magic event near you, scoring these sets is by far the most economical way of making an instant collection.
From today until Monday 26th November, these monstrous deals are completely off the hook. Check it out : We have Return to Ravnica, Magic 2013, Avacyn Restored, Dark Ascension and Innistrad 4x Common and Uncommon card sets for incredible discount prices - Up to 37% Off ! And you can get 5 Free 20-sided dices for each deal. You can have the same deals on both English and Chinese language cards. Theses are the sets are are currently legal in the standard constructed format. If you've not yet collected your favorite decksets by now, or are thinking about gaming at a Friday Night Magic event near you, scoring these sets is by far the most economical way of making an instant collection.

2012年11月8日 星期四
Gatecrash Art Preview
Gatecrash is Set 2 of 3 in the Return to Ravnica block. It will be released on 1st February 2013. Here for you some new arts from this edition.

2012年11月6日 星期二
Netrunner will launch Chinese version
Netrunner is a collectible card game designed by Richard Garfield, the creator of Magic The Gathering. In May 2012 Fantasy Flight Games announced that it would publish a revamped version of Netrunner in the Android universe. And now it is said that it will launch the Chinese version.

2012年11月5日 星期一
Magic Funny Picture
Thragtusk is a card from M13 set, which is a powerful and popularity by players. Now let's have a view on these funny picture from Mtgmemes.

2012年11月2日 星期五
Top Ten Selling MTG Singles In October 2012
At the end of October 2012, let's have a review on the top selling Magic the gathering singles in this month. Through this list, we can see that Return to Ravnica is still one of the series most favoured planes. Return to Ravnica is a great place to start playing Magic, or to catch up if you played many years ago. If you’re interested in some new cards to expand your decks, it may be worth a look at this list.
Overgrown Tomb is a great companion to the B/G dual already in Standard from Innistrad, and makes an off-color combination like B/G as playable as ever.
It's just awesome and players just about loose their minds when it get spoiled.
It’s a great card for fixing that mana early game, and is still relevant late game because of its ability to still come into play untapped.
This makes all you lands into painless and suckless rainbow lands. This is going to be a 4x in the five-color good stuff decks and unless a Block deck and its is a snap keep for Limited decks. For anyone considering any multicolor (or even mono-colored) Commander deck, you probably want to run this.
Overgrown Tomb is a great companion to the B/G dual already in Standard from Innistrad, and makes an off-color combination like B/G as playable as ever.
It's just awesome and players just about loose their minds when it get spoiled.
It’s a great card for fixing that mana early game, and is still relevant late game because of its ability to still come into play untapped.
This makes all you lands into painless and suckless rainbow lands. This is going to be a 4x in the five-color good stuff decks and unless a Block deck and its is a snap keep for Limited decks. For anyone considering any multicolor (or even mono-colored) Commander deck, you probably want to run this.
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