Leave your Greeting Message for the "Year of Tiger" and "Like" the post, you can win the 3x WorldWake Booster Pack Giveaway
Number of winner(s):
3x WorldWake Booster Pack
End Date:
Sunday 21 Feb 2010 PST 19:00
How to participate:
1. Leave a Greeting Message for the "Year of Tiger" on the post
2. and "Like" the post before the end date.
Our system will randomly pick the winner(s) from the "Like" list. We will contact the winner(s) through Facebook message or email. After verifying the winner's identity and shipping address, we will send out the prizes within 3 business days.
Terms and Conditions
* The winner(s) will have 7 days to confirm and accept the prizes.
* Mtg Mint Card Ltd is not responsible for import taxes or shipment losses.
* Lucky Draw prizes cannot be exchanged for cash or store credits.
* Mtg Mint Card Ltd reserves the rights to cancel the draw or change the terms and conditions at any time without further notice. Should there be any disputes regarding to the draw, Mtg Mint Card Ltd's decision shall be final.